
Teenage Mutant Ninja Mobians 04

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Well, I already have another idea in mind for the "Wayne Gretzky? On steroids?" joke, Terranova210486, but I can use your climax-related suggestion, though.

Chapter 4: Enter Deathstroke

Several minutes later, the Mobians were walking in the sewers along with Hinata. They decided to escort her back to her home, given that it was her first time traveling in the sewers.

"I hope you guys know where we're going." Hinata said.

"Eh, sure. We've been traveling around the sewers since our childhood. We know which street we're underneath anytime." Sonic said.

"Okay then." She said. "So, you guys are mutants?"

"Yep. Why?" Knuckles asked.

"Well, you could almost look like you're from another planet."

"You mean like aliens? Bah! That's just a stupid idea to think we're aliens!" Sonic exclaimed, smirking.

"Oh. Sorry... I didn't mean to offend you." Hinata said, looking down.

"Nah, don't be sorry. You're a nice gal. We know you wouldn't intentionally insult us." the hedgehog said while smiling at her, reassuring the young woman.


"You couldn't resist making fun of Michael Bay, could you?" Tails rhetorically asked, whispering to the hedgehog and breaking the fourth wall.

"Well, EVERYONE made fun of that 'alien turtles' movie which hasn't been made yet, anyway." Sonic whispered back in his defense, breaking the fourth wall as well.

"What are you guys talking about?" Knuckles asked the hedgehog and the fox, wondering what they were whispering.


"By the way, are there any female Mobians?" Hinata asked.

"Well, yes, but not in this city." Tails said.

"At least, that's what we've heard of." Charmy said.

After a while of traveling in the sewers, they finally arrived under a sewer hole located in front of an antique store. The young woman opened the lid and went out of the sewer hole, standing up before looking at the Mobians inside the hole.

"Thanks for getting me there." Hinata said to them. "I honestly would like to invite you to eat, but I don't think he'd be possible. I mean... All I have is frozen pizzas..."

Immediately, Charmy flied up the sewer hole, filled with excitement.

"What are we waiting for? Let's GO!" the bee eagerly exclaimed.

"That sounds like a great idea!" Tails said as he came from the sewer hole.

"Wait..." Hinata said, puzzled. "You eat pizza too?"

"Like everyone else." Charmy and Tails replied at once.

"Well... Okay then." She said as she motioned them to follow her.

"Wait a second! Did my ears just hear the word 'pizza'?" Sonic asked from the sewers.

"Hurry up, Sonic! I wanna eat that pizza too!" Knuckles said, impatiently.

The hedgehog climbed up the sewer hole, followed by the echidna. All four Mobians followed the young woman towards her home.

"Wait, you're living inside an antique store?" Tails asked to Hinata as he looked at the building.

"No, I actually live inside an apartment above the antique store." The young woman replied. "By the way, what do you like on your pizza?"

"I prefer honey. Sonic likes insects. Tails prefers snakes. As for Knux, he likes some ants." Charmy replied. The young woman looked at him, concerned. "Oh, it was just a joke!" he replied with a grin. "We prefer the usual: cheese, pepperoni and all that stuff."


Later on, all five of them were inside Hinata's apartment, eating pizzas. All of them, except Knuckles, were laughing at Charmy's impersonations.

"Well, I'm not ready for a relationship, but thanks anyway..." the bee said, imitating a certain character played by Jim Carrey. "Hey! Maybe I can call you one of these days. Your number's still 911? AAAAAAAlrighty then!" he exclaimed before snapping his fingers and blowing a raspberry.

The others laughed at the impersonation.

"Thank you!" Charmy said with a grin. "And now... here's Robert De Niro!"

"No... Not De Niro." Knuckles said as he rolled his eyes.

The bee cleared his throat before continuing.

"You talkin' to me?" Charmy said in a different voice while pointing at himself. "Are you talkin' to me? I mean, I'm the only one here, so ya must be talkin' to me! Who the heck are you talking to?" he said before mimicking a gun with his hand and making a 'pew-pew' sound with his mouth.

The bee then laughed as he sat back on his chair.

"I didn't know you guys were watching movies." Hinata said.

"Like we mentioned before, we have a TV, so we've seen quite a lot of stuff." Sonic said.

"Although we don't have a satellite. Just the basic channels." Tails commented.

"Well, we should be going." The hedgehog said, causing the other Mobians to complain. "Yeah, I know. I'd like to stay longer myself, but it's getting late and we shouldn't worry Shifu too much."

The Mobians stood up and went towards the door. Hinata walked alongside them and opened the door for them.

"It was really pleasant to spend time with you guys." The young woman said, smiling. "Are we going to see each other again?"

"Sure!" Charmy replied.

"It depends mainly on many pizzas you can have to let us eat." Sonic said, smirking.

"Okay, then." She said, giggling a bit.

"See ya later!" Tails and Knuckles said at once to her.

All four Mobians exited the apartment.

"Bye, guys!" Hinata said before closing the door.

The reporter sighed. She still found it unbelievable to have met these four guys. The young woman was actually quite glad to have met them.


A while later, the Mobians were walking in the sewers, getting closer to their home.

"I gotta say, I had a great time hanging out with her, guys!" Sonic said to the others.

"Me too! She loved us for sure!" Charmy agreed. "She especially loved my impressions."

"I doubt your impressions are what she loved the most about us, Charmy." Tails said.

All of sudden, Sonic noticed their lair. However, he saw the door being half-broken.

"Wait a minute!" the hedgehog exclaimed, making the others notice the door as well.

Sonic took his katana and went through the door. The three other Mobians came in the lair as well, taking their weapons too. What they saw inside made them shocked. Tons of stuff inside the lair was destroyed. It's as if like a fight happened. They looked at Shifu's chair, which was destroyed as well. It suddenly came to them that their father was nowhere to be seen.

"Shifu..." Sonic said, feeling horrified.

Seeing all of this, Knuckles didn't know what to say. Suddenly, it was as if like he wanted to express all kinds of emotion. The echidna started shaking. Soon enough, he expressed what he felt with one big scream.

The scream was so loud, it was heard from the nearest sewer grill. Some old man named Carl Fredericksen was walking and came across the sewer grill. The old man was confused when he heard the scream. He then shrugged, not caring much about where it came from and continued on his way.

Later, Hinata heard someone knocking at her door. The young woman opened said door. As she opened it, the reporter was surprised to see the Mobians coming back so soon. Even more surprising was the fact all four of them were looking sad.

"What the... What's going on, guys?" Hinata asked, concerned by how they felt.

"It's Shifu..." Sonic said, barely able to speak.

The reporter's eyes widened. She could tell something bad happened to their master...


Meanwhile, Wiggum was sitting in his office, making a phone call. He waited for the other person on the line to answer the phone.

"Hello?" Jack Fenton asked on the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Fenton. It's Chief Wiggum calling you." Wiggum replied.

"Oh, the police!? Is there something wrong?" Jack asked, worried.

"Yeah, it's about your son, Danny..."


The next morning, the sun was rising on New York City. Inside Hinata's apartment, Sonic was sleeping on one end of the couch, with Tails sleeping on the other hand. Charmy was sleeping on a chair, holding a teddy bear with him. Knuckles was sleeping on another chair as well. The previous night, they told to Hinata was happened when they arrived at their lair. The reporter felt sorry for them, so she agreed to let them live with her until they find their sensei.

At this moment, Hinata came from her bedroom, silently closing the door behind when she noticed the Mobians still sleeping. She was wearing her pajama shirt and pants. The young woman then put on her bathrobe on her as she tiptoed her way through the apartment to make sure she wouldn't wake them up. Suddenly, someone knocked at the door, waking the Mobians up anyway.

"Who's there?" Hinata asked to whoever was on the other side of the door.

"It's me, Jack." Her boss replied.

"My boss..." she said to the Mobians.

"Oh-oh..." Sonic said.

"Guys, you better..." Hinata stopped talking when she turned around and noticed all four Mobians had disappeared. "...hide right now."

She was quite impressed by the way they disappeared like that. The young woman then opened her door, allowing Jack and Danny to come inside her apartment.

"Hi, Jack. What brought you here?" Hinata asked her boss.

"Well, Hinata, I was thinking..." Jack said. "Well... I think you've put quite a lot of hard work on this story about those thefts. Maybe too much cause I feel like you're tired. How about you let someone else take care of it?"

The young woman couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her boss was basically telling her to stop focusing on that whole theft story. Not wanting to burst her anger, she immediately went to her bathroom. Jack noticed her attitude.

"Oh, don't be so angry about it!" the fat man said as he came in the bathroom as well.

"How should I be then? I mean, it's my story!" she exclaimed.

"I'm only asking you to take a break. Why would you refuse that?"

While all of this was going, Danny looked at a nearby mirror. Suddenly, through the mirror, he noticed Charmy under the table. The teenager turned around. However, all he saw was a teddy bear under that table. Danny was confused by what he saw.

"I've been working hard on it, Jack. When I work hard on something, I never give up until the end." Hinata said as he washed her face with the water coming from the sink.

"I'm just trying to help you, Hinata." Jack said.

"Thank you for the help, but I don't need any. Although, give me a towel." She said as she needed to dry her face from the water.

All of sudden, the young woman gasped when she noticed a pair of familiar tails on the other side of the shower.

"I don't see any. They must in the shower..." Jack said as he was about to open it.

"HOLD IT, JACK!" Hinata yelled as she tried to stop him from opening the shower.

It was too late as he opened the shower anyway. Much to the young woman's surprise, Tails wasn't there.

"What? Is there something wrong?" the fat man asked.

"Hum... I-I just didn't want you to see how dirty my bath was. Now, m-m-move it!" she said as she pushed him out of her bathroom.

Hinata took a brief look back at the shower and noticed the fox hanging on the ceiling above it. He must have used his tails to fly up there.

"Alright, alright! Don't be so panicky!" Jack complained. "By the way, you're sure you don't want any help?"

They walked back next to the apartment's door. Danny was looking under the table, checking if the bee he saw was real or not.

"Hum... No thank you, Jack. You should just relax." Hinata said.

"Eh, I sure as heck wish he could!" Danny commented before standing up and joining his father near the door.

The young woman opened the door, motioning them to go.

"Look, just don't cause any trouble for a while." Jack said before he left with his son.

Hinata closed the door, sighing in relief they were gone.

"Phew! That was pretty close!" Charmy exclaimed as he suddenly flied next to her.

The reporter yelped in alarm by the bee's sudden appearance.

"Geez, Hinata! You should get some decaf, because you're too nervous." He said with a grin.

The young woman looked a bit tense as she put her hand on Charmy's shoulder.


Several minutes later, Jack was driving his car, with Danny sitting on the passenger seat. The fat man was driving his son to school. However, he seemed furious because of something said son had done recently.

"I don't understand. I make enough money to provide for me, you, your mother and your sister and yet you're stealing? I just don't get it! Why are you doing this?" Jack asked.

"I dunno." Danny replied, not particularly interested into the conversation.

"What? You don't know why you stole that car stereo?" his father asked in disbelief. "How is that even possible?"

"I'm sorry."

"Oh, don't give me that 'I'm sorry' to me, son! You're gonna pay for your consequences after school for sure!" Jack exclaimed.

They stopped at a red light. Immediately, Danny removed his security belt, got out of the car and ran away. Jack was shocked as he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Danny! Come back here! Danny! For crying out loud, Danny!" the fat man yelled from his car.

The teenager ran into a subway entrance, escaping from his father's sight...


Later that night, inside some building, plenty of teenagers were there, doing all kinds of stuff. Those teenagers were either playing pinball, rolling on a skateboard, playing arcade games, making graffiti, gambling, playing pool, playing electric guitar, smoking, drinking, and several other things. All of them were having fun doing those things, with no adults to forbid them from doing that.

Walking down some stairs was some teenager talking with a few other teenagers walking with him. He had black hair and was wearing a short-sleeved black shirt, a long-sleeved gray shirt underneath, dark blue jeans and black shoes. His name is Kevin Levin.

"We've got everything you want. And you can do anything you want as well." Kevin said to them, who seemed to be newcomers. "As an example, what do you want now?"

"Hum... Do you have any cigarettes?" one of them asked him.

"Sure. What kind exactly you want?" the black-haired teenager asked as he showed them some brands of cigarette.

At the same time, Hak Foo was walking around the place. Suddenly, one teenager accidentally bumped into him. The strong guy glared at him for a brief moment before calming down.

"Just go and play." Hak Foo said to the teenager while patting him on the shoulder before they went their separate way.

In one room inside that same building, several teenagers were practicing martial arts, fighting each other while doing so. At this moment, two of them were fighting until one of these two gave an uppercut to his opponent, which ended the fight. Soon enough, Hak Foo appeared. Everyone looked at his intimidating presence. The strong man motioned the winner of the previous fight to fight him. The winner nodded before getting into a fighting stance.

Hak Foo and the teenager kept throwing punches and kicks at each other. However, they always managed to block each other's attacks. After a while, they stopped fighting.

"Well done, kid." The strong man said to the teenager.

Hak Foo bowed at him. The teenager did the same.

"The kangaroo kicks the sheep!" the strong man yelled while immediately kicking the teenager's face, sending the later fall on his back.

The strong man then came close to the teenager in order to talk to him.

"No matter the circumstances, never lower your defense against any enemy." Hak Foo said.

"Yes, Master Hak Foo. I'll always keep that in mind." The teenager said, still in shock he lost like that.

All of sudden, a gong was heard throughout the building, getting everyone's attention. Hak Foo motioned two of the teenagers to help the one who just fell on his back. Soon enough, everyone in the building were stopping whatever they were doing to go in one location in particular.


In a large room set in the same building, all the teenagers were there. Some were standing on the floor, while others were in the balconies above. Soon enough, someone arrived in the room. That someone had a menacing appearance, one that would make anyone terrified of him.

It was a man wearing a mask covering his head entirely. The left side of his mask was orange, with a white eye. The right side was black, with no eye at all. He was also wearing a black and grey armor, orange briefs, belt, gloves and boots. The man also had a few swords he carried on his back, guns and daggers on his belt and an ammunition belt across his chest. His name is Deathstroke the Terminator.

He arrived in the center of the room. Hak Foo bowed down at his presence.

"It is an honor to see you, Master Deathstroke." The strong man said to the masked man.

Deathstroke motioned him to stop bowing. Hak Foo nodded before motioning to some teenagers. A few of them then rolled down a carpet for Deathstroke to walk on. Hak Foo then gave a Hidden Sound mask to his leader. Deathstroke motioned one teenager to come near him. The teenager arrived and bowed down to the masked man. The latter put the Hidden Sound mask on the young one's head.

"You have earned a great honor tonight, something which can't be bought. You are worthy of our clan." Deathstroke said to the teenager, in that same Hellboy-like voice.

The teenager then thanked his leader before joining the other teenagers. Deathstroke then looked around at the balconies, ready to talk to them.

"If you are here, it's because you've been rejected by the world around you. You've got no place to go, no family to have. Here, however, you have a family. I am your..."

He then realized what he was about to say. The masked man thought about what he should say. He then found the best way to say it.

"...paternal figure." Deathstroke said, as he didn't want to say a famous pop culture quote that would have no doubt made some teenagers snicker at him. The words 'paternal figure' were the best alternative he could find to avoid saying that quote. "And all of you are making me proud."

At the same time, in some room filled with crates and boxes, Shifu was chained to some wall, looking weak. He seemed to have suffered a lot when he got captured by this clan. From where he was, the red panda could hear what the masked man was saying.

"Here's something I want you to do." Deathstroke said to the teenagers. "A new enemy has appeared. There are anthropomorphic animals that won't stop ruining our plans unless we stop them once and for all. I'm ordering you to punish these... mobians!" he exclaimed.

"Hum... Master..."

The masked man turned his head around when he heard that voice. In one balcony, Danny appeared, raising his hand. The boy seemed to know something he wanted to share with them all...


End of chapter.

Looks like the Hidden Sound Ninjas have a new objectif... which, of course, means one big fight in the next chapter.

This chapter's title is a reference to "Enter the Shredder", the second episode of the 1987 cartoon. Also, I swear this is the only time I make a joke about Michael Bay's 'Alien Turtles' movie project. I don't want to overuse this joke like some person would, so that's why I'm only doing it once.

In the movie, Mikey was making references to movies such as "Rocky" and "Taxi!". Here, I decided to have Charmy making references to "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective" and "Taxi Driver". And no, I did NOT made him reference "Taxi Driver" just because it had the word 'taxi' in the title as well.

Yes, this is the same Slade from the Teen Titans cartoon. However, I'm calling him Deathstroke because that's how he's called in the actual comics, with Slade Wilson simply being his civilian identity.

Read and review!
Chapter 1: [link]
Chapter 2: [link]
Chapter 3: [link]
Chapter 4: Here!
Chapter 5: [link]
Chapter 6: [link]
Chapter 7: [link]
Chapter 8: [link]
Chapter 9: [link]
Chapter 10: [link]
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